5 Significant advantages of shade net for installing on the fish breeding pond

5 Significant advantages of shade net for installing on the fish breeding pond

Shade netting is one of the most widely used method in various agriculture applications. Besides, employing shade cloth for use on fish breeding ponds is very common, which is manufactured in various types and colors. The purpose of using shade net on fish breeding ponds is to create a suitable climate against sunlight and also to control the water temperature of the ponds. In this content, we intend to share information with you about the benefits of using shade net for covering fish breeding ponds.
Shade nets applications in fish breeding ponds
Utilizing shade cloth for fish breeding ponds has a noticeable effect, and for ponds that need shadow, using this product can be a very good choice. Shade netting can create shade and semi-shade on the surface of the pool and in this way bring a pleasant and cool air for breeding fish.

1- Preventing direct sunlight

One of the advantages of using shade netting in fish breeding ponds is that it prevents direct sunlight from radiating on the pool and spreads light spectrums. The damage of direct ultraviolet radiation is intense and can disrupt the growth and development of baby fishes and cause many losses among them.
2- Creating favorable zone for fishes

Shade netting create a suitable environment with a pleasant temperature for the growth and breeding fish and shrimp in pools. One of the results of using shade net in fish farm is to keep the covered space cool, which makes the water not too hot even in hot seasons, and the baby fishes would have a pleasant environment, this will help the fish to grow better and increase productivity.

3- Preventing algae formation

When water stays stagnant in an environment and is exposed to sunlight, as the water warms up, it quickly becomes a suitable place for algae to grow. By employing a shade cloth upon the fish farm, formation and growth of mosses and algae within pool would be removed considerably.
fish pool shade net

4- Preventing water evaporation

Another disadvantage of direct sunlight to the pool is that it causes the water to evaporate quickly. Using shade net, due to the proper ventilation it creates, cools the pool water and can prevent water evaporation.
5- Protecting pool from dust and waste objects

This product can be a strong and durable barrier against various kinds of pollutants such as dust and tree leaves entering the pool. Dust and pollution have an intense negative effect on fish health and their growth, Especially in regions where air is polluted and there may be windy with a lot of dust.

fish pool shade cloth

Shade net benefits for in fish farming are so great that its cost is completely negligible. Shade cloth for fish farming ponds is 80% or 90% shade factor which are highly durable, and with their help, temperature, light, humidity, heat, dust, and water can be managed appropriately. Shade net is environmentally friendly and will not have any negative effects on human and aquatic health. Here is a video for installing shade net on fish farm for growing Sturgeon and salmon fish:


نشرت: 17:10:48 1403/08/19
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